Training Division

Recruit Training (501) 918-4302
In-Service (501) 918-4306
Police Recruiting (501) 918-4305
Administrative/Records (501) 918-4300


Major Eric Hinsley

The Training Division is under the command of Major Eric Hinsley, who reports to the Assistant Chief of Police – Executive Bureau.


Major Hinsley is currently assigned as the Training Division Commander.  As the Training Division Commander, he is responsible for the operation Department’s CALEA-Certified Training Academy.  The Training Division is broken into five units; Administrative/Records Unit, In-Service Unit, Recruit Training Unit, Police Personnel Unit, and Field Training Coordination.

  • The In-Service Unit conducts the annual 40 hours of in-service training that is required for sworn members of the Department along with conducting several specialized training classes. 
  • The Recruit Training Unit operates LRPD’s Recruit Training Academy, which provides 960 hours of entry-level training for all LRPD recruits. 
  • The Police Personnel Unit is responsible for recruiting, testing, and screening all police applicants interested in a career at LRPD. 
  • The Field Training Coordinator oversees the 480-hour Field Training Program, which must be completed by each Recruit Academy graduate before that recruit being allowed to patrol on his/her own.