ROCKFolio Tracks City's Progress

Seal of Little Rock
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024

Media Release

City of Little Rock Public Relations (501) 371-6801

LITTLE ROCK – Mayor Frank Scot, Jr. today announced the publication of the City of Little Rock's first ROCKFolio, a comprehensive progress report for city departments through the first six months of 2024.

The full report is available online at

The 144-page document offers detailed descriptions of all city departments, with the key metrics being used in each department to generate results for the City's residents and visitors. The ROCKFolio report is just one aspect of Little Rock's data strategy and an integral piece in Mayor Scott's commitment to be accountable, clear and transparent. In addition to the report, a full range of data related to contracts, salaries, performance metrics and more are located on the City's data website,

"We are a data-driven city government that sets and exceeds measurable goals as we continue to deliver real results for the people of Little Rock," Mayor Scott said. "We are excited to be able for the first time to give a true progress report to our residents that shows where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. As we prioritize data to better inform our decision-making and become more effective and efficient as a result, we'll provide ROCKFolio progress reports every six months so that residents can track our benchmarks and hold us accountable."

The first-ever ROCKFolio includes information for each department, including details about their roles and letters from department directors. The report provides data on how the departments are meeting certain performance goals. Subsequent reports will track the same goals so that residents can track departmental progress.

ROCKFolio is championed by Chief Data Officer Marquis Willis. As a part of the citywide data strategy, Little Rock's work with Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance led to the creation of the report. Little Rock is focused on operational improvements that result in a positive impact to residents.