Media Releases
Saline County Residents Training For A Marathon Informational Meeting Set For August 31 LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (August 26, 2009) - Little Roc…
MAYORS’ INSTITUTE TO STUDY MAIN STREET CORRIDOR (Little Rock, AR – August 24, 2009) -- A team of nationally renowned city design experts wil…
Dress for Success Running Gear 101 Equipment Clinic Offered by Little Rock Marathon Training Program LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (August 17, 2009)…
Sanitary sewer service lines, like many utilities, go unnoticed unless a serious problem occurs, like a back-up or overflow. The sanitary se…
Little Rock Wastewater has been selected to receive two Gold Peak Performance Awards for both Fourche Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility an…
The Little Rock Police Department has received notice from the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Community Orient…
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (August 6, 2009) – The Little Rock Marathon and Heart Clinic Arkansas announced today a partnership to promote exercis…
On Tuesday, August 4th, citizens, law enforcement agencies, community groups, businesses and local officials in over 10,000 communities from…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, July 31, 2009 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE ON RIVER MOUNTAIN ROAD (Little Rock, AR—July 31, 2009) The Little Rock…
Agenda 7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. – 8:40 a.m. Call To Order – Sandy Becker, President Moment of Silence (In Honor…
(Little Rock, AR) On Thursday, July 23, 2009, Little Rock Wastewater (LRW) and CDM, Inc. will hold a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Peak Fl…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – July 15, 2009 – The Downtown Little Rock Partnership today submitted a proposal to change the name of a 10-block section…