Media Releases
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Ronny Loe, P.E., Asst. Director of Public Works FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2013 (501) 371-4475…
Little Rock Parks and Recreation will be removing what remains of the Murray Park’s timber play area near the dog park and soccer fields. Th…
Little Rock opens its second dog park Saturday, March 30 with the opening of the new MacArthur Unleashed Dog Park at 12:40 p.m. The two-ac…
Contact Information Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 371-4421 Media Advisory What: State of the City…
Media Advisory What: LRCENT Meeting When: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 – 11:00 a.m. Where: Willie Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center 3805 Wes…
TRAFFIC ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Jon Honeywell, P.E., Assistant Director Department of Public Works (501) 371-4475 F…
Street and Drainage Improvements Public Input Meetings (Little Rock –March 22, 2013) Little Rock City Manager Bruce Moore is pleased to…
503 E. 9th St. Little Rock, AR 72202 501-376-4602 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE State VA Director to Speak at MacAr…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 371-4421 (501) 804-4822 NUSA Golf Tournament Nei…
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Jon Honeywell, P.E., Asst. Director of Public Works WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2013 (501) 371-…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Susan Altrui, Little Rock Zoo 501-661-7208 direct 501-351-0273 cell saltrui@littler…
St. Patrick’s Day Celebrated At City Hall What: Irish Cultural Program When: Friday, March 15th – 2:00 p.m. Where: City Hall Rotunda – 500…