Media Releases
Welcome, Sophie and Babe! LITTLE ROCK (October 21, 2013) - The Little Rock Zoo welcomed two new elephants, Sophie and Babe, who arrivedthi…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Susan Altrui, Little Rock Zoo 501-661-7208 direct 501-351-0273 cell saltrui@litt…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 371-4421 (501) 804-4822 Media Advisory What: Tou…
Mud Run Hits Pay Dirt - Registrations Up Contact: Geneva Hampton 501-371-4639 For Immediate Release Little Rock…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 804-4822 Press Release (Little Rock, AR – Oct…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 804-4822 (501) 371-4421 What: Little Rock Police…
City of Little Rock Public Relations Office (501) 371-4421 Media Releases Contact: Jack Wrenn Parking Enforcement Administrator (501) 918-52…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 804-4822 What: Little Rock Fire Fighters Train J…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 804-4822 (501) 371-4421 Media Advisory What: M…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Susan Altrui 501-661-7208 direct 501-351-0273 cell Boo…
Mud Run Hits Pay Dirt - Registrations Up For Immediate Release Little Rock, AR (September 30, 2013) – Registration for the 11th Annual…
Contact Information: Meg Matthews Public Relations Manager (501) 804-4822 Media Advisory What: Grand Opening of…