Media Releases
What is going to turn 94 years old this June, changes each year and still attracts more than 1,000 kids between the ages of 6-15? That would…
LITTLE ROCK – Little Rock City Manager Bruce T. Moore released Wednesday the names of seven candidates who will be interviewed for the posit…
LITTLE ROCK – The Jim Dailey Fitness & Aquatic Center will remain closed due to a small electrical fire that damaged the sauna and portions…
WHO: Friends of Fourche Creek with support from Little Rock Parks & Recreation, Audubon Arkansas, Keep Little Rock Beautiful, Keep Arkansas…
Building something? Do you want to build closer to the property line than permitted, or build a fence higher than permitted, or need a sign…
LITTLE ROCK – City of Little Rock Public Works crews are asking citizens to be on pothole patrol. With spring blooming and rain impacting th…
WHAT: A public information meeting will be held to review the plans for the construction of a new bridge at Arch Street and the Union Pac…
WHAT: A public meeting will be held to discuss plans for drainage improvements for Pine Manor Drive and Kingsrow Drive. The meeting will be…
Milestone comes during time of budget cuts that limit reach of programs WHO: Community Development Block Grant program managers, Little Roc…
WHAT: A public meeting will be held to discuss traffic calming issues on Hinson Road and Pebble Beach Drive. The meeting will be held at…
Instead of duct taping technology together to keep the City running, Little Rock Information Technology now has the ability to offer new thi…