Media Releases
WHAT: The Little Rock Fire Department Recruit Class Graduation WHO: Little Rock Fire Department WHERE: Statehou…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (July 22, 2015) – Jennifer Godwin has been hired as the communications and marketing manager for the City of Little Rock,…
The City of Little Rock will submit a Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant application to the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission and F…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (July 16, 2015) – The U.S.S. Little Rock (LCS9) will be christened and officially launched on Saturday, July 18 in a cerem…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (July 14, 2015) – Because of the extreme temperatures that are forecast for this week, the City of Little Rock will open t…
WHO: City of Little Rock officials, neighborhood residents and World Changers youth WHAT: A kickoff event highlighting the work World Chan…
San Francisco (June 21, 2015) Mayors Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore, Mark Stodola of Little Rock and Christopher Cabaldon of West Sac…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (June 15, 2015) – City officials and Pettaway Neighborhood residents welcomed an outreach group from Aledo, Texas United M…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (June 15, 2015) – The Department of Community Programs continues to host public meetings and youth focus groups as the Cit…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (June 3, 2015) – The U.S. Green Building Council has awarded the 12th Street Station LEED silver certification. Under the…
WHAT:City of Little Rock and US Navy officials will unveil the crest of the USS Little Rock, our nation's ninth littoral combat ship. The U…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (June 1, 2015) – Little Rock Zoo Director Mike Blakely announced that Zoo director of marketing and development, Susan Al…