Media Releases
Business owners can now go green with the City of Little Rock through a new paperless e-notification system that enables users to receive re…
WHAT: Members of the Little Rock Citizens Evaluation of New Tax Committee (LRCent) will hold a meeting at the Willie Hinton Neighborhood…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Sept. 14, 2015) – The dedication of a new sculpture will be the highlight of the Little Rock Animal Village’s annual cele…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Sept. 9, 2015) – A grand opening to highlight the new features and completed sections of the Creative Corridor’s Low Impa…
WHAT: Quapaw Quarter Association Board of Directors lunch with PlaceEconomics WHO: Quapaw Quarter Association Board of Directors, PlaceE…
Parks & Rec worker to leave post upon turning 90 this month WHAT: Retirement recognition for King Benningfield WHO: City Manager Bruce M…
WHAT: Capital City Crime Prevention Task Force meeting WHO: Members of the Capital City Crime Prevention Task Force WHERE: Will…
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Aug. 25, 2015) – The winning designs for the Main Street Creative Corridor banner competition are being installed at the…
WHAT: Historic District Commission work session WHO: Members of the Historic District Commission WHERE: Little Rock City Hall …