Media Releases
Four Little Rock parks will see new playgrounds early next year now that the City of Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department has been aw…
Toys collectedfor youth in DHS care because no child should go without The Little Rock Fire Department is asking for the community’s help ag…
LITTLE ROCK (Nov. 13, 2018) – The City of Little Rock has opened a nationwide search for Chief of Police that will close at midnight on Dec.…
The City of Little Rock will be closed on Monday, Nov. 12 in observance of Veteran’s Day. All solid waste services – garbage, yard waste, an…
A ribbon cutting ceremony to highlight the new features and completed sections of the Creative Corridor’s Low Impact Development (LID) stree…
Some area residents may have received an email with the subject line “Support Michael Recovery Journey” from an account with the email addre…
A long anticipated railroad overpass on Geyer Springs Road will soon be underway. Once completed, it will mean that vehicles and emergency r…
Features play area and whimsical sculptures Little Rock’s Parks and Recreation Department recently dedicated its newest play area with a rib…
The City of Little Rock has announced a new way to reach its 311 service. is a dedicated email address t…
With a record 81 dogs and cats adopted over the weekend during Clear the Shelter Days, the Little Rock Animal Village wants to remind pet o…
The City of Little Rock will welcome Consul General of El Salvador Veronica Patricia Pichinte Cubillos and her staff to Little Rock from Aug…
The City of Little Rock is expanding its fight against childhood hunger with a campaign that builds off expanding afterschool and summer mea…