Media Releases
LR LEADERS START WORK ON 10 YEAR PLAN TO END CHRONIC HOMLESSNESS Little Rock, AR (26 August 2005) President Bush’s leader on homelessness i…
Arkansas Community Dispute Resolution Centers, Inc., (ACDRC), opened its doors this summer, at the Willie L. Hinton Neighborhood Resource Ce…
20th Street Becomes Charles Bussey Avenue; Named for City’s First African American Mayor Little Rock, AR (13 August 2005) Around 100 fri…
UALR Presents Report on Smoke-Free Business Environments Little Rock, AR (11 August 2005) Little Rock Mayor Jim Dailey today announced mem…
Two Blocks of President Clinton Avenue to be Closed to Vehicles Little Rock, AR (10 August 2005) Friday and Saturday nights will have a mo…
A “Haute Dogs & Kool Cats” luncheon will shine the spotlight on Little Rock Animal Services on Wednesday, August 10. It will take place from…
Little Rock, AR ( 5 August 2005 ) Most Little Rock schools will be opening in the next few weeks. The Little Rock Urban Forestry division of…
Little Rock, AR ( 5 August 2005 ) The E.N.A.C.T. (Enhancing Neighborhood and Community Trees) planting program this year will include trees…
Little Rock, AR (5 August 2005) An organization of Little Rock firefighters is hosting their annual Back-to-School event to provide school…
(Little Rock – July 28, 2005) -- On Tuesday, August 2nd, citizens, law enforcement agencies, community groups, businesses and local offici…
DID YOU EVER WANT TO SEE THE WORLD? Allstate and the City of Little Rock join hands to do just that! (Little Rock – July 25, 2005) On Sep…
Undisputed Middleweight Champion of the World to be Honored by Parade through Streets of Hometown, Culminating in Rally at Amphitheatre P…