Media Releases
DAMAGED TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT ROOSEVELT AND ASHER FLASHING RED FOR ONE WEEK (Little Rock, AR—January 24, 2007) Motorists and pedestrians traveli…
EITC Can Mean Up to 5 Months Salary Returned to Taxpayers (Tuesday, January 23, 2007) – Persons attending the “Super Saturday” Earned Income…
Little Rock, AR (January 22, 2007) Little Rock Urban Forestry, a division of Parks and Recreation, has received a donation of fifty (50) tre…
(Little Rock, AR – January 16, 2007) The Little Rock City Board selected Stacy Hurst to serve as the City’s Vice Mayor for the next two year…
(Little Rock, AR – January 10, 2007) Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola today announced the members of his Independent Review Committee which wi…
Only 9 Urban Areas Were Graded Higher in Cooperation among ‘First Responders’ (Little Rock, AR – January 5, 2007) The United States Departme…
Field Limit Could Be Reached By Early February (Little Rock, January 5, 2007) - With a little less than a two month remaining before race da…
Public Invited to Inauguration and Reception Little Rock, AR (29 December 2006). January 1st not only marks the start of a new year, it mark…
$500,000 Service Center Funded by 2004 Capital Bond Program Little Rock, AR (21 December 2007). “There have been many changes since I first…
LITTLE ROCK (December 20, 2006) -The Little Rock Zoo is proud to announce the birth of two sloth bear cubs born early this morning to sloth…
Public festival on Sunday to include lighting ceremony, living Christmas tree, pictures with Santa and activities for children. (November 29…
Family honors parents with $500,000 matching gift LITTLE ROCK – The children of Kula and the late Dr. Frank Kumpuris established a distingui…