Media Releases
(Little Rock, AR – October 23, 2007) Little Rock City Hall was filled with cheers as children and community leaders joined today at a Lights…
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. (October 17, 2007) – Boys and ghouls can enjoy a safe and fun Halloween at Big Boo!-seum Bash, on Wednesday, October 31, 2…
For many years, the Arkansas Department of Labor (ADOL) and the Arkansas Workers Compensation Commission have maintained statistical data on…
Governor Mike Beebe and Ginger Beebe, First Lady, with the Downtown Neighborhood Association, today unveiled the first intersection sign pro…
Little Rock, AR – October 16, 2007) The Urban Forestry Division of Little Rock Parks and Recreation announces the awarding of funds for the…
(Little Rock, AR – October 11, 2007) “If we cannot put people in the jail, there are some that we can put to work helping clean up the City.…
Secretary of State, Mayor of Little Rock Support Efforts to Switch to Energy-efficient Light Bulbs. Little Rock, Ark. – State and city offic…
(Little Rock, AR – October 2, 2007) Heifer International, the Woodlands Edge subdivision of Little Rock, and Historic Arkansas Museum are th…
(October 2, 2007 - Little Rock) Little Rock Wastewater will be celebrating its 10th Pollution Prevention Award Ceremony on October 8, 2007 a…
Defined: fire*house hos*tel and mu*se*um: Safe, clean, inexpensive, lodging for travelers within a firefighters museum in an historic fire s…
Dog Paddle Party Set as Fundraiser for Friends of Paws Parks. There's a party going on and everyone and their dog is invited - literally! Th…
(Friday, September 28, 2007) Commonly thought to only appear in African Americans, sickle cell disorders can actually be found in all races.…