LITTLE ROCK– As the state’s capital city takes the next step in its Downtown resurgence, the City of Little Rock and the Downtown Little Roc…
LITTLE ROCK– Little Rock Recycles Day returns Saturday, giving Little Rock residents an opportunity to safely dispose of electronic waste, p…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock is partnering with the Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition and multiple other community organizations…
LITTLE ROCK – Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. issued the following statement today:Over the last few weeks, I’ve listened to residents from every nei…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock has opened its cooling centers at local community centers because of forecasted excessive heat through…
LITTLE ROCK– The City of Little Rock will host its inaugural Economic OpportUNITY Summit and Expo next week, emphasizing collaboration and i…
LITTLE ROCK– Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. today encouraged Little Rock residents to provide their feedback on a potential sales tax measure during…
LITTLE ROCK — City of Little Rock residents impacted by the March 31 tornado may now apply for individual grants from the City’s Little Rock…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock will host the first event in Art Porter Music Education Inc.’s 2023 Music Festival, “A Work of ART,”on…
LITTLE ROCK– The City of Little Rock is opening its cooling center at the East Little Rock Community Center through Sunday for residents see…
LITTLE ROCK– With abnormally high temperatures expected over the next few days, the City of Little Rock is opening cooling centers at four C…
LITTLE ROCK– City officials today ceremonially broke ground on the Little Rock Micro Home Village, a two-acre, multi-unit complex to house u…