The Little Rock Civitan Club has provided a sponsorship for the Little Rock Zoo’s newly constructed stage at the Zoo’s elephant habitat. The…
Little Rock Traffic Court (State District 31 - Little Rock, 2) announced today that, in light of the ongoing success of its “virtual court c…
The Little Rock Historic District Commission will be honored later today with a Commission Excellence Award from the National Alliance of Pr…
The Little Rock Zoo and Hiland Dairy announced today they will celebrate their partnership a little differently this year. Because of COVID-…
As Arkansans continue to adjust to a new normal brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Little Rock has made available to residents…
The City of Little Rock wants to remind residents that beginning next week, solid waste routes will change for approximately 12,500 customer…
The public will have two opportunities this month to hear important details about the City of Little Rock’s plans for the introduction of co…
The Little Rock Zoo is happy to announce that it will reopen this Saturday, July 11, after the Zoo was temporarily closed when an employee t…
On Tuesday, Little Rock became the first city in Arkansas to adopt a hate-crimes ordinance that enhances penalties for crimes that target in…
Little Rock Traffic Court (State District 31 - Little Rock, 2) announced today that, in light of the recent success of its “virtual court cy…
As restaurants and outdoor venues like the Little Rock Zoo move toward operating with increased capacity, the City of Little Rock wants to r…
The Little Rock Zoo announces its reopening since its mid-March closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The phased reopening will begin with e…