The City of Little Rock Board of Directors voted today on a resolution to provide health care services for low-income residents in partnersh…
The City of Little Rock announced on Thursday the launch of its new R.O.C.K. Academy community education course. “R.O.C.K. is an acronym for…
The MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History was recently recognized with an award at the Arkansas Museums Association annual business…
The Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) and Little Rock Parks and Recreation are teaming up to temporarily open two lanes for people walk…
The Downtown Little Rock Partnership (DLRP) and Little Rock Zoo have teamed up to create a pandemic-safe, family-friendly, haunted drive-thr…
On Wednesday, September 2, the leaders of Central Arkansas Water (CAW), Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority (LRWRA) and UA Little Rock j…
On Thursday, Sept. 3, Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. announced several initiatives to increase student access to broadband and digital literacy duri…
The Arkansas Municipal League at its 86th Annual Virtual Convention, held August 19-21, honored Emily Jordan Cox, the City’s Director of Str…
All City of Little Rock offices will close at 1 p.m. today as the city braces for the impact of Hurricane Laura which is expected to produce…
The City of Little Rock has received a $35,000 grant from the Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS) funded through the Histori…
The City of Little Rock has been awarded two grants totaling more than $774,000 to help individuals and families struggling with or on the v…
The City of Little Rock announced on Monday it will be holding Census Saturday events at area grocery stores through the end of the month. F…