Adopt - A - Street

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Adopt-A-Street Program?
The Adopt-A-Street Program started in 1994 in an effort to empower all Little Rock residents to help keep our City clean, beautiful, and healthy. Individuals, families, religious and civic groups, organizations, and neighborhood associations can "adopt" a street and commit to keeping it clean and litter-free. At least four (4) times each year (once every 3 months), participants will pick up trash along their adopted street and send a report documenting their effort.


How do I sign up?
Click here to register on VolunteerMark, our volunteer management platform.
Click here for instructions on making a VolunteerMark account to sign up!

How can I request a specific street or section to adopt?
Requests are granted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be evaluated for traffic volume, street geometrics, and safety. The Public Works Department will make the final decision on the request. Register on VolunteerMark to request your street.

What streets are available to adopt?
You may want to adopt a street you frequently pass and often see littered with trash, or a street in your neighborhood. We can provide information on priority streets in need of adoption.


How large of a section can I adopt?
The size of your group may help determine the length of street you would like to adopt. Consider the distance, the number of people in your group (or maybe it's just you!), and the quarterly cleanup commitment when deciding how much you'd like to adopt.

How often should I do a cleanup?
Cleanups & reports should be submitted at least four (4) times per year. Of course, you can pick up trash as often as you like! A good standard is to organize a cleanup once per quarter, or every 3 months.

I did a cleanup! How can I report my activities?
After each cleanup, participants should complete this simple reporting form detailing the number of people involved, the amount of litter collected, and the number of hours spent on picking up litter. Paper forms or reporting by phone are available upon request.

I don't need volunteer hours, I just do this because I hate to see litter. What happens if I don't report my cleanups?
Although this is a voluntary program, we need to know if you're active! With great signage comes great responsibility. Groups or individuals who do not report at least two (2) times each year will have their nameplate removed, and the street reopened for official adoption.

What should I do with the trash we collect?
Trash can be disposed of in your curbside garbage cart at home, or you may note on the reporting form that you need bags to be picked up. The Sustainability Office will organize pickup of trash bags based on your reported location. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us at or 501-371-4646.

Will you provide safety equipment?
Yes! When you sign up, we provide safety vests, trash bags, and litter grabbers for you and your crew. We will continue to provide bags as needed throughout the year.  We also have two (2) high-visibility signs available to borrow for your cleanup.
Please reach out to to reserve.

When will I see my sign?
After six (6) months of participation and at least two (2) reported cleanups, Public Works will install a sign recognizing your group's contribution to a cleaner, litter-free Little Rock.